We Have A New Imperial Fists Cheap Tactical Squad

Cheap tactical squad two

In this post, we are working on my second cheap tactical squad, tactical squad Orasmus. I painted up one Imperial Fist in a tutorial and another as a backup sergeant. As a result, this will be a basic squad, to potentially merge with the first squad! I have another ten marines to build, but I honestly can’t think of how to build them. I want a plasma squad, a veteran squad, a rotor cannon squad and another heavy weapons squad! They aren’t needed just yet, but it is on my mind.

So, let’s get to building! First up is the sergeant, I’ll be fitting him out with bolter for now! I know! It’s very basic but it also makes him nice and cheap! He is going to lead this incredibly basic and cheap tactical squad, but maybe I’ll add a melta bomb to the base?

Cheap tactical squad sergeant

In the past, I have been idle and not added extra pouches and things, but that is finally changing!  We will be going using tactical pouches left, right and centre!

What you can see from these miniatures is that they are all missing their backpacks and left shoulder pads. This is because I paint backpacks separately and the shoulder pads are in storage somewhere!!

I built the rest of the squad similarly with no bayonets or chainsaws, basic bolters and pouches. You will see that they also haven’t been based properly. We shall go with some urban basing, rubble, walls and graffiti! This will mean that I can use some units in games of Warhammer 40k as well as Horus Heresy.

Tactical squad wrap up

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I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!


Picture of Badger


I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!
On Key

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