Building Minka Lesk
Building Minka Lesk is the focus of today’s post! Her full name is Arminka Lesk, and a Sergeant of the Cadian 101st Regiment.
There have been some books based on her and published by the Black Library, which is why this is a Black Library celebration miniature! In fact, I have the omnibus called Minka Lesk: The Last Whiteshield, which I am really looking forward to reading!
Let's get to the building!
This kit of Minka Lesk is not complicated to build, but there are two weapon options! So, the question is: power sword and bolt pistol, or las-rifle and pointy hand? Along with those weapon options, we have a couple of head options too.
For myself, I usually default to a hand that is pointing unless some specific reason says otherwise.
The instructions only take up three pages, with the art work making up a front page.
This kit is not particularly hard to build, but I did have an issue with the legs. So make sure you test fit them to get an idea of the position before you glue!
Painting Minka?
Once you have finished building Minka Lesk, you will probably want to paint her – hopefully I will be able to get a video of that up on my YouTube channel for that! I will paint her as a Cadian, as she belongs in a Cadian regiment. However, you may wish to put her elsewhere and use any paint scheme you like!
That’s all there is to this blog post, thank-you so much for reading this or watching the video! I will be doing more posts like this and the termagant video, using old videos as a basis and entirely fresh content, too! I wish I had more time to edit videos and write more posts alongside everything I want to do, but I do what I can!
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