Horus Heresy Imperial Fists

Horus heresy imperial fists

It’s Horus Heresy Imperial Fists army building time and as you may or may not know, I am rather keen on the Imperial Fists. I have a small Imperial Fists army for Warhammer 40k but not managed any Horus Heresy, until now. One of my first videos for YouTube was a “How to paint Imperial Fists video” which probably started my enjoyment of painting them, although I haven’t had nearly as much time as I would have liked to work on my army!! Looking back, I probably went a bit too hard on the streaking grime and because of this, I don’t really hose it down with it, any more.

And then, along came the Horus Heresy Imperial Fists! I also did a painting video for them, using just brushwork. Now, I should say that obviously contrast paint exists & makes painting yellow a LOT easier. In the below video, it was just regular paint and it is NOT how I shall be painting my Imperial Fists army, however I will be making a video in the future on how I intend to paint my Heresy army. As you can see between the two title cards, one is very clean looking while the other is filthy. I plan on finding a happy middle ground between the two, as I love the grime, but also trying to bring in some brightness!

Army list

Starting off with this army, I have the Horus Heresy Age of Darkness set,which is incredibly good value for money, a saving of almost 50% compared to buying everything individually! I have already started building the Spartan and Contemptor contained within this box set as a result I won’t be doing a blog post on the building of them. In fact, I did a YouTube video of painting the contemptor head! This began before this blog started up which means we shall miss a bit of the build process for those two. I also have glued together the 40 shoulder pads. As you may, or may not know, the shoulder pads are in two parts, which I had already glued together, however I managed to pack them into a box in deep storage!

Horus Heresy Imperial Fists List

  • Crusade Force Organisation Chart (LA – VII: Imperial Fists) [3,000Pts]

    • Expanded Army Lists

      • Expanded Army List Profiles:

        Selections: Exemplary Units On, Legacy Units Off

    • Allegiance:

      • VII: Imperial Fists

      • Allegiance

        Selections: Loyalist

    • Rite of War:

      • Rite of War

        Selections: Armoured Spearhead^

    • HQ:

      • Centurion, Cataphractii [150Pts]

        • Primus Medicae

          Selections: Cataphractii Terminator Armour, Combi-Bolter, Vigil Storm Shield

          • Power Weapon

            Selections: Power Sword

        • Primus Medicae

      • Master of Armour [195Pts]

        • Sicaran

          Selections: 2x Heavy Bolters, Heavy Bolter, Pintle Mounted Heavy Flamer

    • Elites:

      • Sicaran Squadron [190Pts]

        • Sicaran

          Selections: 2x Heavy Bolters, Heavy Bolter

      • Terminator Cataphractii Squad [490Pts]

        • Cataphractii Sergeant

          Selections: Solarite Power Gauntlet, Vigil Storm Shield

        • Cataphractii

          Selections: Vigil Storm Shield

          • Power Weapon

            Selections: Power Sword

        • Cataphractii

          Selections: Vigil Storm Shield

          • Power Weapon

            Selections: Power Sword

        • Cataphractii

          Selections: Chainfist, Vigil Storm Shield

        • Cataphractii

          Selections: Chainfist, Vigil Storm Shield

        • Land Raider Proteus Carrier

          Selections: Twin-linked Heavy Bolter

    • Troops:

      • Predator Squadron [305Pts]

        • Predator

          Selections: 2x Lascannons, Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Destroyer

        • Predator

          Selections: 2x Lascannons, Dozer Blade, Executioner Plasma Destroyer

      • Predator Squadron [235Pts]

        • Predator

          Selections: 2x Heavy Bolters, Dozer Blade, Predator Cannon

        • Predator

          Selections: 2x Heavy Bolters, Dozer Blade, Predator Cannon

      • Tactical Squad [345Pts]

        • Legion Tactical Sergeant

          Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour, Power Fist

        • 8x Legionaries (collective)

          Selections: 8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter

        • Land Raider Proteus Carrier

          Selections: Twin-linked Heavy Bolter

        • Legionary w/ Options:

          Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

      • Tactical Squad [345Pts]

        • Legion Tactical Sergeant

          Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Power Armour, Power Fist

        • 8x Legionaries (collective)

          Selections: 8x Bolt Pistol, 8x Bolter

        • Land Raider Proteus Carrier

          Selections: Twin-linked Heavy Bolter

        • Legionary w/ Options:

          Selections: Bolt Pistol, Bolter, Legion Vexilla

    • Heavy Support:

      • Heavy Support Squad [445Pts]

        • Legion Support Sergeant

          Selections: Bolt Pistol, Power Armour

        • Land Raider Proteus Carrier

          Selections: Twin-linked Heavy Bolter

        • 9x Legionaries (collective)

          Selections: 9x Bolt Pistol

        • Missile Launcher (with frag, krak and flak missiles)

      • Kratos Squadron [300Pts]

        • Kratos

          Selections: 2x Heavy Bolters, Hull (Front, Right/Left) Mounted Heavy Bolters

          • Kratos Battlecannon

Total: [3,000Pts]

Created with BattleScribe

You will note that I am NOT doing Stone Gauntlet for my first list however I am certain I shall do it at some point. You see that there are some miniatures from Age of Darkness in this list but the Spartan will be brought in for a 4k list! This is an excuse to buy and paint some tanks so to faciliate that, I’ve got a few lists drawn up including one with my favourite super-heavy tank, the Falchion.

Armoured Spearhead breakdown

For this Rite of War, your warlord has to be the Master of Armour either in a Predator or a Sicaran battle tank. Predators become troop choices and in addition to that Sicarans become elites! This also means any troops have to be in a means of transport, and any choices that can go into a rhino, now have the option of a land-raider proteus!


I did make some lists with a predator-based warlord however you’ll notice that for this version we went with a Sicaran! Both versions would work well with our legion doctrine, however I think the survivability MIGHT be better with the Sicaran. The Primus Medicae along with his Vigilus storm shield shall be joining our terminators in their land-raider!


Dipping down into Elites, we have another Sicaran and a squad of five terminators in Cataphractii armour with Vigil storm shields and close combat weapons. They are in the land-raider and the plan is to both move them vaguely to mid-field, unload them and camp them with the primus on a point.


My troop choice is a juggling act, I originally wanted a tactical support squad with plasmas, but they were dropped for a second tactical squad in land-raider. I know rotor cannons would play into our strengths, but I was thinking of the rule of cool! We have two Predator squadrons, with 2 predators in both although they both can have 4 predators in potentially, should we want to shuffle things around! However, for now, there are two with executioner plasma destroyers and laser sponsons whilst the other two have predator battle canons and bolter sponsons!

Heavy support

Moving into the Heavy support section was the cause of my final juggling act. I knew I wanted a heavy support squad, initially I was planning on missile launchers riding in a rhino, but I dropped my a predator from my original triple predator squadrons so that they could ride in a land-raider. In the end, I dropped the missile launchers for heavy bolters and in addition purchased a flare shield for the Kratos with the points saving. Is this a good idea? I have no clue at all, but worse case scenario, I am already planning on getting more marines so I can do a rotor gun squad and a missile squad in the future.

So that is basically it, I did want to make the most of the predators as troops, but also needed scoring line troopers. I do think they are squishy however and getting apothecaries with them, would be a good call in the future.

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I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!


Picture of Badger


I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!
On Key

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