House Escher gang beginnings…

House escher gang beginnings
Let's start off as we mean to go on, one of my favourite Necromunda gangs: the Escher gang!

Let’s start off as we mean to go on, one of my favourite Necromunda gangs: the Escher gang! This particular build will be a split post, we’ll be building basic sisters from the Escher box today. We shall get some upgrades for the queen, matriarchs & champion sent to us for the next post. In our House Escher gang beginnings, I think we need an event to start generating a gang name. I don’t really have a back story in mind yet, or indeed, any character names! As we mentioned in our first “proper” post, we will mostly be building Necromunda gangs, 40k & Horus Heresy. So, let’s get to it!!

Here are the two sprues that we have to deal with & we shall start by removing the gangers and putting them into piles. Both sprues are exactly the same, with lots of bits to swap around. I do prefer to de-seam the parts before gluing together, rather than the other options. I also rarely drill barrels, unless it makes it easier to paint a weapon!

Using plastic glue ( I tend to use Tamiya Xtra thin or Revell), I glue the Escher gang members together. These models are a bit smaller, so placement of parts needs some patience. First up, I’ll be building 3 lasgun sisters, who shall all be very basic.

Completed House Escher gangers…

Escher gang las sisters
Escher gang las sisters

We are building the sisters in the House Escher gang as completely vanilla from the box. Necromunda can certainly be a hive (ahem) of creativity when it comes to conversions for your gang members! My sisters, little sisters & wyld runners shall be relatively vanilla from the box. If they purchase better weaponry or lose a limb, that would be prime conversion fodder in the future!

Above, we have the finished lasgun sisters for our Escher gang and below, you shall see a Little Sister weilding dual stub pistols. The one in her left hand is from the GW Escher upgrade sprue. The one in her right hand is a laspistol – I chopped off the barrel & added styrene rod in place. I know. It’s got a magazine, rather than a traditional revolver, maybe she was handed this & told it was a stub gun?

Escher little sister
Escher little sister

I do have the Wyld runners box set to build in the future, and I would really like to get one of the Escher bounty hunters or characters from Forgeworld at some point! Do follow along to see where our House Escher gang beginnings take us! Do consider signing up for our monthly roundup newletter (no spam, I promise!!) Part 2 will probably appear soon after the upgrade box arrives – I think that is something I’ll need to remember.

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I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!


Picture of Badger


I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!
On Key

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