A New Imperial Fists tactical support squad appears!

Imperial fists tactical support

We are working on a naughty Imperial Fists tactical support squad in today’s post! Pondering the exact loadout for my support squad for a while, but I think we are finally there! Using the below Special Weapons box we are going to add on to some of the ten of my Mark VI marines from The Age of Darkness box!

Special weapons upgrade set box

The contents of the special weapons box give us flamers (the default loadout), rotor cannons, volike culverins, volkite calivers, melta and plasma guns! There is enough to fit out a full squad of ten marines with each weapon type, so there are options. The first option for Imperial Fists might very well be a rotor cannon support squad loadout, our special rule leans into these sorts of weapons. They are initially for my Armoured Spearhead list, and the thing is, I just want to paint some plasma. So whether or not it’s a good idea, it’s what I am going to do! We will no doubt return in the future to get some more special weapons built, so don’t fret!

Special weapons sprue

You can see that we are doing a five man Imperial Fists tactical support squad squad this time! I do have a reason for this, but you will have to wait for a future post to see why! Specifically numbered guns on the sprue fit with specific models/ arm pairs, so bear that in mind with these. It’s not a case of mix and match, if you want to you will have to break out the greenstuff!

Tactical support squad plasma weapon
Imperial fists tactical support

Imperial Fists tactical support wrap up!

You can see we have also added our tactical pouches to our marines as well. The only thing I still haven’t truly decided on, is the basing. I am using the smallest amount of glue currently, so I can easily remove the miniature and base it properly. I think I will be going urban, so that I need to get the suitable materials.

So, from the Age of Darkness set, we have five more tactical marines, ten cataphractii, a spartan and a contemptor to finish off! The latter two were already half done before I started this blog, although the spartan is much less finished. Maybe I can get another contemptor to remedy that as the previous one, I featured in a video!! Apart from all of the painting blog posts we have a head of us, I will also be doing some basing posts and videos!

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I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!


Picture of Badger


I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!
On Key

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