Horus heresy legiones astartes battle group unbixing title card

Unboxing Horus Heresy Legiones Astartes Battle Group


Here we finally have the unboxing of the Legiones Astartes Battle Group for the Horus Heresy! This blog post is unfortuantely arriving later than planned as the entire website had to go on hold during it’s redesign! Now that we are back, let’s get stuck into what looks like a great box set. Will it the be the start of a new army?? I have a sneaky suspicion that it will be the excuse I need to start a traitor army.  Obviously, I did record an unboxing video a while ago, which I link below just in case you want to see it.

In my earlier unboxing of the Age of Darkness we saw that it contained a new plastic Contemptor dreadnought and the Spartan assault tank. Now as we turn our attention to the Legiones Astartes Battle Group, we discover that it follows in a similar pattern!

The Legiones Astartes Battle Group Unveiled

As we unbox this treasure trove of miniatures, we see that it is a troop heavy box – in fact 30 tactical marines. This is backed up by the new plastic Deredeo dreadnought and the Land Raider Proteus. To jazz up the marines, there is also a half box of Support Squad weapons – ie enough to run five plasma guns, five melta guns etc.

So let’s get into the box, shall we? First and foremost, we have the new plastic Deredeo dreadnought. As you can see, it comes with two weapons systems: the autocannon and the plasma cannonade. Alongside this you get the Aeriolis missile system. Just getting these two does lead me to think Games Workshop will release the other weapon options on a separate sprue, much like the Contemptor weapon sprue.


The awesome Mark III armour

Next up, we have 30 of the newly updated Mark 3 marines which I was looking forward to, but I wasn’t expecting them quite so soon! The good part is that you use the Mark 6 upgrade sprues to make them support or heavy squads. There seems to have been some murmurs of disapproval over the helmet style compared to the previous iteration. What do you think? I think they’d certainly be great for Death Guard, Iron Warriors, World Eaters on the traitors side. Conversely on the loyalists side, Imperial Fists, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Iron Hands, Salamanders and of course the White Scars could be ideal for the Mark 3 armour.

Then we have plastic Land Raider Proteus Carrier – this is a great miniature that honestly, I can’t get enough of. It has been a favourite vehicle of mine for what is now decades! This can carry 12 tactical marines or six terminators directly into combat, bolstered by twin lascannons! I do in fact have an unboxing video for Land Raider here from back in 2023 and a further set of videos from 2022.

Connecting the threads: A nod to our Age of Darkness Unboxing

Drawing connections between our present unboxing and our Age of Darkness unboxing, we find there are a couple of common threads. Both of these boxes contain new plastic versions of power armour and dreadnoughts! The Land Raider Proteus is obviously not brand new at this point, but it is a great addition. In fact, I even did an unboxing video over on YouTube which is unsurprising, I am attempting to do as many as I can! Our previous blog post serves as a great foundation, setting us up for creating a great Horus Heresy army.

This Legiones Astartes Battle Group comes in at around 1,000 points and really adds a nice backbone to your army. Am I going to use to reinforce my Imperial Fists? Absolutely not!! I have decided to use this box to start a Death Guard army!


In conclusion, the Legiones Astartes Battle Group invites us to witness the unfolding drama of the Horus Heresy. Join us on this journey, as we unbox, discover, and enjoy painting each miniature. As I said in the paragraph above, I will be using this as the basis of a new Death Guard army for which I have a few ideas. As a result, I hope to follow up this post in the future with some Death Guard army building blog posts.

Stay tuned for more unboxings and army building posts here at Glorious Miniatures! Consider signing up to the Newsletter in the form below so that you get the monthly roundup email post and details of upcoming news and features!

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I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!


Picture of Badger


I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!

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