I’m a new Rosemary and Co affiliate!

Rosemary and co affiliate

I’m a Rosemary and Co affiliate! I get my brushes from Rosemary and Co for my mini painting, in fact, some arrived today! These brushes were bought by me just to clarify, I didn’t receive them for being an affiliate!

We will fire up the initial stages of my store this week in preparation for the eventual move & return to 3d printing! I will add a bunch of things to a section that are affiliate links of items I use regularly. You will see a brush link there as well!

Rosemary and co affiliate link

The main brushes I regularly use are Rosemary and Co Series 33 and I ordered sizes 3 to 0. I also have some Series 301 and a Series 99, the former being for metallics!

Here is the affiliate link you need to click::

Rosemary  co affiliate link

Type: GLORIOUSMINIATURES into the cart Coupon/ Affiliate box at checkout if you don’t click my link!

I am very happy to be a Rosemary and Co affiliate as I have been using their brushes since I returned to mini painting five years ago!

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I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!


Picture of Badger


I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!
On Key

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