The Green Goblin appears!

The green goblin marvel crisis protocol

The Green Goblin appears! I knew it would happen at some point, and that time has come. I shall get the Marvel Crisis Protocol core set at some point, although not yet. However, I shall just enjoy painting the miniatures as I feel like it. As you see from the image and the title, we are building Norman Osborne’s alter ego, the Green Goblin!

I mulled over which to purchase and almost went with a couple of my favourite characters: Rogue & Gambit. Then I spied The Green Goblin & I made my mind up very quickly. I can see plenty more that I shall be looking forward to painting up in the future, no doubt as a palette cleanser. Hulk Buster, the Hulk, Juggernaut, and Blade are among future builds!

Goblin building

The green goblin legs  torso

I removed the seams from the torso and legs, test fitted, and I started glueing. I did wonder if my regular plastic glue would work, or if superglue would be required. The company that makes Marvel Crisis Protocol also makes Star Wars: Legion & when I built Luke, I needed super glue. The plastic on this kit felt different & after test gluing some bits of sprue I found out I could use my normal Tamiya Super Thin!

The green goblin waist gap

You see in this image above there is a gap between the hip & the legs. Seeing that, I mentally prepared to bring out the green stuff after building this model. It turns out that whilst I used a fair amount of pressure, I hadn’t used enough pressure. I added a bit more glue & we ended up with a firm join!

The green goblin

Next up, we have the arms, pumpkin bombs & the pouch on his hip. The pumpkins were easy to de-seam along with the majority of the arms. A couple of bits over the fabric needed some attention, but apart from that, it was pretty easy!

The green goblin

Next up, we have the head to glue into the hood & and glider feet attachments. I trimmed a bit of a seam down on one side of the hood, but I believe that is now smooth! I glued these parts together with no issues. We now will get to work on the Goblin Glider and the smoke in the next couple of images.

The green goblin
The green goblin

In the glider image above, you will see a small seam needs fixing on the smaller engine shrouding part. This isn’t a major issue, and it just appeared to be mostly on the one side for me. After I glued it together, a bit of light scraping resolved the issue before moving on! I have blutacced the smoke to the base in this case, and I attached the Green Goblin to the smoke. Honestly, I couldn’t make my mind up on the bases – I will decide by the time I get to priming!

Building wrap up

So, folks, I found this to be a pretty basic kit to build, although I needed to exert more pressure on the legs/ torso joint! I wish that I was able to paint this sooner, however my paints in storage is definitely an issue! The plan for these miniatures, is to go full comic book style, vibrant colour & the dreaded non-metallic metal (NMM)! That is definitely a major goal of mine for this year, to work on & improve my NMM. So, if you want to see how this particular journey goes, do make sure you have signed up to the monthly newsletter below!

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I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!


Picture of Badger


I've been painting on and off since 1988, and finally dedicating a blog to it!
On Key

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